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Çatalhöyük Yaz Atölyesi / Çatalhöyük Summer Workshop
Bekir Ağırdır
Director of History Foundation and Gülay Sert, TEMPER Project Co-ordinator
Uygulayanlar / Team: Gülay Sert, Temper Project Co-ordinator, M elda Bağdatli, Temper Project Assistant, Nuray Kaygaz, Temper Project volunteer
Ana sponsorlar / Main Sponsors:
The shell company of turkey lımıted
The coca cola company of turkey
Tarih Vakfı tarafından TEMPER projesi kapsamında 2002-2003 Öğretim Yılı'nda İstanbul ile Konya'da Çumra ve Küçükköy'de belirlenen pilot okullarda uygulanan Tarihöncesi Eğitim Programı ve Çatalhöyük'te gerçekleştirilen bir günlük eğitim şenliğine gösterilen ilginin yoğunluğu, programı pilot okulların dışında da uygulama ve Çatalhöyük'te uzun süreli bir atölye kurulması fikirlerini doğurdu. Atölye çalışması, Çatalhöyük kazı tarihleri ile bağlantılı olarak 15 Temmuz - 15 Ağustos 2004 tarihleri arasında uygulandı. Atölyeye katılmak isteyen öğrenciler, her gün 20 öğrenci olmak üzere, gruplar halinde takvime yerleştirildi.
Toplam 23 iş günü süren 490 öğrenci ve 39 yetişkinle sürdürülen çalışma, 14 Ağustos Cumartesi günü sona erdi. Türkiye'de arkeoloji bilimi ve eğitim alanında bir ilk olan çalışma, Çumra yerel yöneticileri, halkı, Çatalhöyük kazı ekibi, eğitimciler ve ören yeri ziyaretçileri tarafından ilgi ve beğeniyle karşılandı. Geleceğin yetişkinleri olan çocuklara kültür varlıklarını tanıtma ve sahiplendirme duyguları aşılama amacı doğrultusunda bölgesel olarak yapılan çalışmanın gördüğü ilgi, atölye çalışmasının diğer ören yerlerinde ve Türkiye genelindeki öğrencilere uygulanması gerekliliğini göstermektedir.
Çatalhöyük Yaz Atölyesi'ne parasal destek sağlayan The Shell Company of Turkey Limited ve Coca Cola İçecek A.Ş.'ye, öğrencilerin yemeğini karşılayan Konya Valiliği ve Çumra Kaymakamlığı'na, başta Çumra olmak üzere ulaşımı sağlayan belediye başkanları ve köy muhtarlarına, Çatalhöyük Yaz Atölyesi'ne öğrenci yollayan okulların yönetici ve öğretmenlerine, hoşgörü ve sabırla ev sahipliği yapan Çatalhöyük kazı başkanı ve ekibine şükranlarımızı sunuyoruz. Ayrıca Çatalhöyük Yaz Atölyesi'ne katılan tüm öğrencilere içtenlikle teşekkür ediyoruz.
Çatalhöyük Yaz Arkeoloji Atölyesi Programı
Çatalhöyük tanıtımı
10:00 – 10:40
Çatalhöyük müze alanında barkovizyon eşliğinde Çatalhöyük tanıtımı.
Çatalhöyük Deneysel Arkeoloji Evi ziyareti
10:50 – 11:10
Rehber eşliğinde Çatalhöyük Deneysel Arkeoloji Evi'nin ziyaret edilmesi.
Çatalhöyük ören yeri ziyareti
11:10 – 11:45
Rehber eşliğinde Çatalhöyük'te kazı çalışmaları yapılan alanların ziyaret edilmesi.
Kazı çalışması
11:45 – 12:30
Yapay olarak hazırlanan 5x5 metrelik iki alanda kazı çalışması yaptırılması.
Öğle yemeği
12:30 – 13:30
Atölye çalışmaları
13:30 – 14:30
Kilden Çatalhöyük kaplarının benzerlerinin yapımı (08-10 yaş)
Kilden Çatalhöyük figürinlerinin yapımı (08-10 yaş)
Çatalhöyük duvar resimlerinin benzerlerinin yapımı (08-12 yaş)
Kilden Çatalhöyük yerleşme maketinin yapımı (10-12 yaş)
Çatalhöyük duvar kabartmalarının benzerlerinin yapımı (10-12 yaş)
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Figure 125:Children's activities on the site at Çatalhöyük during the summer workshop
Çatalhöyük Summer Workshop
The high interest generated by Prehistory Education Programme of 2002-2003 and the day-long educational festival held at Çatalhöyük, involving pilot schools in İstanbul and in Çumra, Küçükköy in Konya, led to the idea of establishing a long-term workshop at Çatalhöyük and delivering the programme beyond the pilot schools. Workshops were held between the dates of July 15 - August 15 2004 in accordance with the Çatalhöyük excavations programme and followed the schedule given below.
Schedule of Çatalhöyük Archaeology Summer Workshop
Introduction of Çatalhöyük and slide show in visitor centre: 10:00 - 10:40
Visit to Çatalhöyük Experimental Archaeology House: 10:50 - 11:10
Visit to Çatalhöyük Archaeological Site: 11:10 - 11:45
Excavation Work: 11:45 - 12:30
Lunch: 12:30 - 13:30: In cafeteria outside Çatal site
Workshop: 13:30 - 14:30
- Making copies of clay Çatalhöyük pottery (ages 08-10)
- Making clay Çatalhöyük figurines (ages 08-10)
- Making wall paintings similar to that of Çatalhöyük (ages 08-12)
- Making a clay Çatalhöyük settlement model (ages 10-12)
- Making wall reliefs similar to that of Çatalhöyük (ages 10-12)
Funding was raised from Shell, Turkey and Coca Cola Turkey, and permission was granted by the relevant authorities. Transportation for students was provided by the Municipality of Çumra, and the Province of Konya paid for the children's lunch expenses, prepared by staff from Çumra district authority.
The application made to Çumra District Administration of Education for approval for the participation of the students to the activities was successful. Despite the fact that the students were on summer vacation, they were invited to the activities via school directors. In light of the information obtained from the schools and district mayors, a total number of 520 students who were interested in participation to the workshop were scheduled on a 20 student per day basis between the dates of July15 and August 15, 2004.
Table 58 shows the student groups that participated the workshop.
On each workday at 09:30, the group of students gathered in Çumra and headed towards Çatalhöyük. Throughout their travel from Çumra to Çatalhöyük, information related to tumuli seen on the sides of the road was given.
In accordance with the schedule, the student group was initially taken to the Çatalhöyük visitor centre. Conversations about the items exhibited in the museum were made. Çatalhöyük was introduced on a slide show. Students were asked to determine the similarities and differences between their own daily life today and that of Çatalhöyük. After the presentation, students were taken to the Çatalhöyük Experimental House and then on to the site to discuss the excavations.
On site, the groups had discussions about the formation of a tumulus and unintentional damage that can occur at sites. A discussion on modern architecture and constructions based on sun-dried mud bricks also took place. Then the students visited the areas where excavations were in progress and were given information on the history of the excavations and findings from each trench.
On reaching the excavation area specially prepared for them and after receiving excavation tools, the students were told how to excavate. Students revealed numerous animal bones and obsidian pieces as well as some other significant findings such as clay and stone beads, obsidian arrow heads and figurines. After around 45 minutes of excavating students stopped for lunch.
Following the lunch rest, the students were taken to the workshop to make pottery, figurines and models. They were seated around the tables in age groups and were supplied with the materials. The workshop lasted about one hour and the students left with their products, plus exhausted but happy faces.
490 students and 39 adults participated in the summer workshop which lasted for 23 workdays, ending on Saturday, 14 th of August. The workshop, being a novel study in Archaeology and Education fields, has drawn much interest and was appreciated by the residents and authorities of Çumra, the Çatalhöyük excavation staff, educators and visitors of the excavation site. The staff received many phone calls from educators and parents of students from all around the country, praising them and asking for information about the workshop. The attention drawn to this workshop, which aimed to raise awareness of cultural heritage and the need for preservation among the adults of upcoming generations, is an indicator of the demand for a nation-wide practice in schools as well as at other archaeological sites.
Figure 126: Children's activities on the site at Çatalhöyük during the summer workshop
Table 58: The student groups that participated the workshop
We are grateful to and would like to thank: the sponsors of Çatalhöyük Summer Workshop the Shell Company of Turkey Limited and the Coca Cola Company of Turkey; the Province of Konya and District Authority of Çumra who supplied lunch for students; the district mayors and village provinces who aided the transportation of students; the directors and teachers of the schools who have sent their students to the workshop, and the Çatalhöyük excavation director and staff who have hosted the workshop with patience and tolerance.
We also would like to sincerely thank to all students who have participated in Çatalhöyük Summer Workshop.
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© Çatalhöyük Research Project and individual authors, 2004