Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Reference Plaster lines in layer. Possible layer of floor

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Plaster lines in layer. Possible floor

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Plaster lines in layer. Possible floor

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Close up of plaster lines

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Close up of plaster lines

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Plaster lines in layer. Possible floor

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Close up of plaster lines going up onto wall.

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

Close up of plaster lines going up onto wall.

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 7954 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers skull

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers skull

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers

2004 7954 49 100

NorthWest corner Lines and Layers

2004 7954 49 100
Faunal, Finds 2004 7954 112
Faunal, Finds 2004 7954 117
Faunal, Finds 2004 7954 111
Faunal, Finds 2004 7954 23
Faunal, Finds 2004 7954 116

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
