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Reference photo for micromorphology sample in Stanford area

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Profile of the section to be removed prior to removal

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Profile of the section to be removed prior to removal

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Closeup of the curvature of the section about to be removed

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Plan shot of the section to be removed with scale in full view

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Details of the curved section about to be removed

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Details of the curved section about to be removed

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Details of the curved section about to be removed

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Perspective of the micromorphology sample in relation to the surrounding wall and floor

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Perspective of the micromorphology sample in relation to the surrounding wall and floor

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Details of the southern tip of the sample

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Details of the southern tip of the sample

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

Northern edge of sample without scale

Valeriano Saucedo III 2004 7944 100

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
