Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Working shot showing horizontal extent of 3335 and 3399 (white marl) in F.279. Target F in view working shots of 3335 under exc, running under lower extention of 3394. Also position of adjacent units in sequence.

Arch - Layer 1998 3335 279 116

Working shot showing horizontal extent of 3335 and 3399 (white marl) in F.279. Target F in view working shots of 3335 under exc, running under lower extention of 3394. Also position of adjacent units in sequence.

Arch - Layer 1998 3335 279 116

Working shot showing horizontal extent of 3335 and 3399 (white marl) in F.279. Target F in view working shots of 3335 under exc, running under lower extention of 3394. Also position of adjacent units in sequence.

Arch - Layer 1998 3335 279 116

Working shot showing horizontal extent of 3335 and 3399 (white marl) in F.279. Target F in view working shots of 3335 under exc, running under lower extention of 3394. Also position of adjacent units in sequence.

Arch - Layer 1998 3335 279 116

Working shot of loose grey/brown deposit in F 279. Showing targets F and E.South elevation + 3399 white wall (vertical extent)

Arch - Layer 1998 3399, 3335 279 116

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Yapı Kredi



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Konya Şeker
