Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Strat details southern end Sp.336, B.77, by oven F.7108.

Daily Sketch Burcu Tung 2013 30152, 30153, 30155, 30159, 30160 77 336

Strat details southern end Sp.336, B.77, by oven F.7108.

Floor, Infill Burcu Tung 2013 East 30152, 30153, 30155, 30159, 30160 77 3096, 7108 336

Strat details southern end Sp.336, B.77, by oven F.7108.

Floor, Infill Burcu Tung 2013 East 30152, 30153, 30155, 30159, 30160 77 3096, 7108 336

7308 - older oven of B.77. burnt layer on the top of the feature - U. 30152

Layer, Plaster Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 30159, 30160 7308 77 336

7308 - older oven of B.77. burnt layer on the top of the feature - U. 30152

Layer, Plaster Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 30159, 30160 7308 77 336

7308 - older oven of B.77. burnt layer on the top of the feature - U. 30152

Layer, Plaster Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 30159, 30160 7308, 7304 77 336

7308 - older oven of B.77. burnt layer on the top of the feature - U. 30152

Layer, Plaster Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 30159, 30160 7308, 7304 77 336

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