Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Rubble rich layer with ash and charcoal - U.30127 of Sp.512 in B.119

Layer, Ash, Building Materials Marika Michalak 2013 East 30127 119 512

Rubble rich layer with ash and charcoal - U.30127 of Sp.512 in B.119

General, Ash, Building Materials Marika Michalak 2013 East 30127 119 512

Animal bones and horncores of S.512 in B.119 (x-finds 1-12) found in rubble rich layer

Faunal Marika Michalak 2013 East 30127 119 512

Animal bones and horncores of S.512 in B.119 (x-finds 1-12) found in rubble rich layer

Faunal Marika Michalak 2013 East 30127 119 512

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