Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Deposit within the mortar of wall F3646, x1 equid pelvis and radius

Finds Arek Klimowicz 30126 3646 488 x1

Bovine pelvis, scapula, and radius. Pre-conservation treatment photo of block lift.

Conservation, Faunal, Finds Jerrod Seifert 2014 30126 X-1 14.003
Conservation, Faunal, Finds Jerrod Seifert 2014 30126 X-1 14.003

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