Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Conserving paint on wall F.3

Arch - Conservation 1995 2516 3 71

Red paint on wall F.3

Arch - Wall Painting 1995 2516 3, 17 71

Red paint on wall F.3

Arch - Wall Painting 1995 2516 3, 17 71

Red paint on wall F.3

Arch - Wall Painting 1995 2516 3, 17 71

paint on wall F.3

Arch - Wall Painting 1995 2516 3 71

Red paint on wal F.3

Arch - Wall Painting 1995 2516 3 71

Red paint on wall F.3, also showing pit F.17 and platform F.13

People - Working 1995 2516 3, 17, 13 71

Red paint on wall F.3, also showing pit F.17 and platform F.13

People - Working 1995 2516 3, 17, 13 71

Wall paintings on wall 3

Arch - General 1997 2516 3

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Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
