Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Bucranium on the bottom of foundation cut/trench

Finds, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 488 x3

Overview of space 490&488.

Architectural, wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 84

Overview of space 490&488.

Architectural, wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 84

Overview of space 490&488.

Architectural, wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 84

Overview of space 490&488.

Architectural, wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 22003 7340 108 84


Faunal Courtney Kemnitz 2014 22003 x3 con.14.004


Faunal Courtney Kemnitz 2014 22003 x3 con.14.004

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Yapı Kredi



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Konya Şeker
