Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Cut and infill in floor

Floor, Infill, Cut Karolina Joka 21335, 21336 7587 52 94

Cut and infill in floor

Floor, Infill, Cut Karolina Joka 21335, 21336 7587 52 94

Cut and infill in floor

Floor, Infill, Cut Karolina Joka 21335, 21336 7587 52 94

Cut and infill in floor

Floor, Infill, Cut Karolina Joka 21335, 21336 7587 52 94

Cut in S-E corner

Cut 21336 7587 52 94

Cut in S-E corner

Cut 21336 7587 52 94

Cut in S-E corner

Cut 21336 7587 52 94

Constellation of empty scoops

Pit, Cut Remi Hadad 21331, 21333, 21336, 21338 7597, 7586 52 94

Constellation of empty scoops

Pit, Cut Remi Hadad 21331, 21333, 21336, 21338 7597, 7586 52 94

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secondary sponsors

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