Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

posthole cut U.30552 northern part of the infill U. 20988 within Sp. 511

Pit, Infill, Cut Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988, 30552 7302 132 511

posthole cut U.30552 northern part of the infill U. 20988 within Sp. 511

Pit, Infill, Cut Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988, 30552 7302 132 511

posthole cut U.30552 northern part of the infill U. 20988 within Sp. 511

Pit, Infill, Cut Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988, 30552 7302 132 511

sp. 511. within the space interior there is room fill 20988, bin F.7139 and fragments of fallen roof (?)

Plaster, Collapse Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988 132 511

SCAPULA x11 (u.20988) WITHIN SPACE 511.

Finds Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988 132 511 x11

SCAPULA x11 (u.20988) WITHIN SPACE 511.

Finds Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988 132 511 x11

SCAPULA x11 (u.20988) WITHIN SPACE 511.

Finds Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20988 132 511 511

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