Image Catalogue

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UNIT 20635 - was an inter-wall infill placed between two remaining walls oriented E-W. Consequently, Southern limit of the unit was the northern wall of B.52 (registered as F.2008). From the north the infill was restricted by the southern wall of Sp. 489 (assigned F.3623). An accumulation of the deposit plausibly was related with erection of the younger wall (F. 3623), set parallel to already existed building (B.52). The mentioned construction activities must have facilitated deposition of loose material in the long and narrow hole. Alternatively, the infill comprising number of broken oven dome and occasional stones was formed in natural way in the course of splitting apart the walls set on the unstable ground (midden deposits). The inter-wall infill was not fully excavated due to arbitrary Western limit of the section that was set up in 2012 along the Grid line: E-1175,50.

wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20635

UNIT 20635 - was an inter-wall infill placed between two remaining walls oriented E-W. Consequently, Southern limit of the unit was the northern wall of B.52 (registered as F.2008). From the north the infill was restricted by the southern wall of Sp. 489 (assigned F.3623). An accumulation of the deposit plausibly was related with erection of the younger wall (F. 3623), set parallel to already existed building (B.52). The mentioned construction activities must have facilitated deposition of loose material in the long and narrow hole. Alternatively, the infill comprising number of broken oven dome and occasional stones was formed in natural way in the course of splitting apart the walls set on the unstable ground (midden deposits). The inter-wall infill was not fully excavated due to arbitrary Western limit of the section that was set up in 2012 along the Grid line: E-1175,50.

wall, Infill Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20635

UNIT 20635 - after execution ( see also description of Photo No 20130702_north_5254.jpg

Infill Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20635

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
