Image Catalogue

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plaster layer(u. 19723) above the NE platform (F.3507) of Sp. 370

Layer, Plaster Basak Boz 2012 19723 96 370

plaster layer(u. 19723) above the NE platform (F.3507) of Sp. 370

Layer, Plaster Basak Boz 2012 19723 96 370

plaster layer(u. 19723) above the NE platform (F.3507) of Sp. 370

Layer, Plaster Basak Boz 2012 19723 96 370

Close up to show the stratigraphic relation between the different layers in u.19705 and u.19723

Layer, platform, Plaster Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 19705, 19723 3505, 3507 96 370

Closeup to show stratigraphical relation between u. 19705 and u.19723

Floor, platform, wall, Plaster Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 19705, 19723 3505, 3507 96 370

Closeup to show stratigraphical relation between u. 19705 and u.19723

Floor, platform, wall, Plaster Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 19705, 19723 3505, 3507 96 370

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