Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336
Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336
Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336

levels on bin F. 3610 and levels on platform F.6058

platform, Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336

levels on bin F. 3610 and levels on platform F.6058

platform, Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336

levels on bin F. 3610 and levels on platform F.6058

platform, Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336

levels on bin F. 3610 and levels on platform F.6058

platform, Bin Sayeh Fattahi + Sara Ouenes 2011 19505 3610, 6058 77 336

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
