Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

space 470; situation after excavation of the fill 19391. - 19394 - occupational surface - 19393 - sequence of laminated phytoliths - 19392 - cluster of artefacts (clayballs, groundstones and horncorn, antler)

Floor, Cluster, Phytoliths, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391, 19392, 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Possible Phytolith Sequence

Layer, Phytoliths Jason Quinlan 2012 19393 470

Genaral view of bulding 470

General Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Sequence of phytoliths

Phytoliths Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Sequence of phytoliths

Phytoliths Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Genaral view of Western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Genaral view of Western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Genaral view of Western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393 470

Pit in SW part of space 470

Floor, Pit Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393, 19395, 19396 7501 470

Western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393, 19395, 19396 7501 470

Western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393, 19395, 19396 7501 470

western part of space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19393, 19395, 19396 7501 470

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