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space 470; situation after excavation of the fill 19391. - 19394 - occupational surface - 19393 - sequence of laminated phytoliths - 19392 - cluster of artefacts (clayballs, groundstones and horncorn, antler)
Possible Phytolith Sequence
Genaral view of bulding 470
Sequence of phytoliths
Genaral view of Western part of space 470
Pit in SW part of space 470
Western part of space 470
western part of space 470
British Institute at AnkaraStanford UniversityUniversité de BordeauxDuke UniversityUniversity of California Merced
University of YorkCardiff UniversitySelçuk UniversityEge University
Adam Mickiewicz UniversitySUNY BuffaloTurkish Cultural FoundationOxford University