Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

This was a room-fill within the space 470 that was placed below previous executed fill [19390]. Taking into consideration the texture and colour it was different than mentioned above younger deposit. It consisted of more orange bricks and clearly recognizable fragments of collapsed white-grey wall plasters in huge amount.

Daily Sketch Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

room-fill 19391 within the space 470

Faunal, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470 F1

huge scapula within room-fill 19391 with

Faunal, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470 F1

room-fill 19391 with

Faunal, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470 F1

huge scapuls within room-fill 19391

Faunal, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470 F1

huge scapuls within room-fill 19391

Faunal, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470 F1

outline of a bench mark or partition wall within room fill19391

Bench Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

focus on different lences within the room fill 19391; space 470

Floor Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

huge scapuls within

Faunal, Finds Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

huge scapuls within

Faunal, Finds Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

exploration of the fill 19391 in space 470

Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391 470

space 470; situation after excavation of the fill 19391. - 19394 - occupational surface - 19393 - sequence of laminated phytoliths - 19392 - cluster of artefacts (clayballs, groundstones and horncorn, antler)

Floor, Cluster, Phytoliths, Fill Arek Klimowicz 2012 19391, 19392, 19393 470

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