Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
Faunal, Finds, Worked Bone 2005 1889, 1883

Roddy excavating clay balls

People - Working 1997 1889 117

Cluster of clay balls in unit 1889

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 117

Ash dump 1889

Arch - Layer 1997 1889 117

Roddy excavating clay balls

People - Working 1997 1889 117

Progress shot of removal of dump 1873 over bin and deposit 1889

Arch - Layer 1997 1873, 1889 117

Roddy excavating clay balls

People - Working 1997 1889 117

Roddy excavating clay balls

People - Working 1997 1889 117

Mat impression on clay ball

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X48

Clay ball

Arch - Finds 1997 1889

Clay drum

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X34

Clay ball

Arch - Finds 1997 1889

Bone Object

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X21

Bone object

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X119

Bone Object

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X21

Clay ball with impressed hole

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 71

Mat impression on clay ball

Arch - Finds 1997 1889

Bone toggle and bone spatula

Arch - Finds 1997 2308, 1889

Clay ball, reverse

Arch - Finds 1997 1889

Bone object

Arch - Finds 1997 1889 X119

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
