Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, wall, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, wall, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, wall, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, wall, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, wall, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

Roomfill (E) and the beginnings of a new wall (W) under the two floors of B 98

Floor, Cluster, Brick, Clay Balls, Fill Patrick Willett 2012 18389 3333 98

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