Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
People - Working, Working Shots, Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
People - Working, Working Shots, Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
People - Working, Working Shots, Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
Architectural, Pottery, Ground Stone, Buttress, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
Floor, Wall Painting, wall Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S1
Floor, Wall Painting, wall Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S1
Floor, Wall Painting, wall Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S1
Floor, Wall Painting, wall Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S1

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342

X-Find was removed from list since after lifting the artefact it turned out to be a standring of a pot

Floor, Pottery, Ground Stone, Finds, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342
Floor, Wall Painting, Buttress, wall, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S2 2
Floor, Wall Painting, Buttress, wall, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S2 2
Floor, Wall Painting, Buttress, wall, Fill Peter Biehl 2009 18328 342 S2 2

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