Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Cluster of grind stone on the NE platform feature 6051

Cluster Michael William House 2008 East 17512 77 6051 336

Cluster of grind stone on the NE platform feature 6051

Cluster Michael William House 2008 East 17512 77 6051 336

Cluster of grind stone on the NE platform feature 6051

Cluster Michael William House 2008 East 17512 77 6051 336
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K1
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K1
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K1
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K1
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K3
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K3
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K3
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K3
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K2
Ground Stone 1963 17512 K2

Cluster 17512

Cluster, Finds Jason Quinlan 2011 17512 77 6051 336

Cluster 17512

Cluster, Finds Jason Quinlan 2011 17512 77 6051 336

Cluster 17512

Cluster, Finds Jason Quinlan 2011 17512 77 6051 336

Cluster 17512

Cluster, Finds Jason Quinlan 2011 17512 77 6051 336

main sponsors

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secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
