Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
2012 16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
2012 16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
2012 16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
2012 17276, 16872 5058 106
2012 17276, 16872 5058 106
2012 17276, 16872 5058 106

Brick Layer of the W Wall in B 106 with 2 different types of mortar with pottery and bones inside the mortar

Patrick Willett 2012 16872 5058 106

Brick Layer of the W Wall in B 106 with 2 different types of mortar with pottery and bones inside the mortar

Patrick Willett 2012 16872 5058 106

Brick Layer of the W Wall in B 106 with 2 different types of mortar with pottery and bones inside the mortar

Patrick Willett 2012 16872 5058 106
16872 5058
16872 5058
16872 5058
16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
17276, 16872 5058 106
16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
17276, 16872 5058 106
17276, 16872 5058 106
16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106
16994, 16872, 17276, 17284 3301, 5058 106

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