Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Southern foundation wall of Building 44 with partially excavated banked up material to the south

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16559, 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern foundation wall of Building 44 with partially excavated banked up material to the south

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16559, 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern foundation wall of Building 44 with partially excavated banked up material to the south

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16559, 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern foundation wall of Building 44 with partially excavated banked up material to the south

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16559, 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern foundation wall of Building 44 with partially excavated banked up material to the south

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16559, 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern wall (Foundation) of B44

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern wall (Foundation) of B44

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern wall (Foundation) of B44

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

Southern wall (Foundation) of B44

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

South wall (foundation) of B44, partially excavated. Ignore the unit numbers on the board

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

South wall (foundation) of B44, partially excavated.

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

South wall (foundation) of B44, partially excavated.

Freya Sadarangani 2005 East 16577, 16578 1341 Wall 44 120, 319

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
