Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Burnt clay rubble layer

Tiffany Cain or Tristan Carter + Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt clay rubble layer

Tiffany Cain or Tristan Carter + Sema Bagci 2008 16402

detail shot of white board, burnt mud brick rubble

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402

Burnt mud brick rubble infill of space 336, same as units 16403 and 16405

Layer Sema Bagci 2008 16402


1963 16402 K1


1963 16402 K1
Building Materials Jason Quinlan 2010 16402
Building Materials Jason Quinlan 2010 16402
Building Materials Jason Quinlan 2010 16402

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
