Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Lower Wall Feature 2514, prior to excavation.

wall Charlie Newman 2007 15727, 15726 2514 Wall

Lower Wall Feature 2514, prior to excavation.

wall Charlie Newman 2007 15727, 15726 2514 Wall

Lower Wall Feature 2514, prior to excavation.

wall Charlie Newman 2007 15727, 15726 2514 Wall

Lower Wall Feature 2514, prior to excavation.

wall Charlie Newman 2007 15727, 15726 2514 Wall

debris (bead core?/module? misc. worked stone

Ground Stone 1963 15727 K1

debris (bead core?/module? misc. worked stone

Ground Stone 1963 15727 K1

stone, axe celt, preform

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 15727 x1

stone, axe celt, preform

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 15727 x1

stone, axe celt, preform

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 15727 x1

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
