Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
People - Working, Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49
People - Working, Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49
People - Working, Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49
People - Working, Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49
People - Working Jason Quinlan 2004 East 14440, 14441 4000, 1651 49 100
People - Working, Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 14440, 14441 4000, 1651 49 100

adult and infant burials

Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 4000 49

adult and infant burials

Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 4000 49

adult and infant burials

Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 4000 49

adult and infant burials

Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 4000 49

close-up of bead necklace

Burial, Beads Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49

close-up of bead necklace

Finds, Burial, Beads Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49

close-up of bead necklace

Finds, Burial, Beads Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49

close-up of bead necklace

Finds, Burial, Beads Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49

close-up of bead necklace

Finds, Burial, Beads Jason Quinlan 2008 14441, 14440 49

Working shot of burial with small find

Burial Jason Quinlan 2008 14438, 14440, 14441

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
