Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797

T5. After removal of U14223 soil discolouration which could possibly be disintegrated mudbrick. U13797 cris-cross pattern encountered last year.

Naomi Christie 2007 14223, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797
2012 16999, 13755, 13797

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