Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Southern wall B56

Freya Sadarangani 2006 East 13361, 13362 2096 Wall 65 297

Southern wall of B56

Freya Sadarangani 2006 East 13361, 13362 2096 Wall 65 297

Souhern wall of B56

Freya Sadarangani 2006 East 13361, 13362 2096 Wall 65 297

lower step of midden

Midden, Section, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2008 17067, 17303, 13361, 13363, 15717, 17034, 17057, 17058, 17071, 17097, 15743, 16246, 16247, 16248, 17334, 17335, 16549, 17030, 17340, 17339

lower step of midden

Midden, Section, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2008 17067, 17303, 13361, 13363, 15717, 17034, 17057, 17058, 17071, 17097, 15743, 16246, 16247, 16248, 17334, 17335, 16549, 17030, 17340, 17339

lower step of midden

Midden, Section, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2008 17067, 17303, 13361, 13363, 15717, 17034, 17057, 17058, 17071, 17097, 15743, 16246, 16247, 16248, 17334, 17335, 16549, 17030, 17340, 17339

lower step of midden

Midden, Section, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2008 17067, 17303, 13361, 13363, 15717, 17034, 17057, 17058, 17071, 17097, 15743, 16246, 16247, 16248, 17334, 17335, 16549, 17030, 17340, 17339
Midden, Section, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2008 13361, 13362, 13363, 15717, 15743, 16246, 16247, 16248, 16549, 17030, 17039, 17057, 17058, 17067, 17071, 17078, 17087, 17097, 17303, 17304, 17305, 17307, 17309, 17313, 17328, 17330, 17334, 17335, 17339, 17340

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
