Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Plaster layer near W wall of building 53.

Layer, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12545 257

Plaster layer near W wall of building 53.

Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12545 257

Plaster layer near W wall of building 53.

Layer, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12545 257

Plaster layer (12545) that remains near the N wall of building 53. Unit number labeled incorrectly in the photo.

Layer, Floor, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12545 257

Plaster layer (12545) that remains near the N wall of building 53. Unit number labeled incorrectly in the photo.

Layer, Floor Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12545 257

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