Image Catalogue

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Upper fill of foundation trench for wall F1532.

Layer, Buildings, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12521 261

Upper fill of foundation trench for wall F1532.

Layer, Buildings, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12521 261

Upper fill of foundation trench for wall F1532.

Layer, Buildings, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12521 261

Upper fill of foundation trench for wall F1532.

Layer, Buildings, wall Mavili (Tokyagsun) Gemiz 2006 12521 261
Faunal, Finds 2006 12521 x1
Faunal, Finds 2006 12521 x1

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