Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Midden layer. Note: unit 12524 is exposed at the top of the frame beyond the scale and board.

David Brown 2006 12519 261

Midden layer. Note: unit 12524 is exposed at the top of the frame beyond the scale and board.

David Brown 2006 12519 261

Midden layer. Note: unit 12524 is exposed at the top of the frame beyond the scale and board.

David Brown 2006 12519 261

Midden layer. Note: unit 12524 is exposed at the top of the frame beyond the scale and board.

David Brown 2006 12519 261
2006 12519 12519.X7
2006 12519 12519.X7
2006 12519 12519.X13
2006 12519 12519.X13
2006 12519 12519.X14
2006 12519 12519.X14
2006 12519 12519.X14
2006 12519 12519.X11
2006 12519 12519.X11
2006 12519 12519.X11
2007 12519 12519.H1
2007 12519 12519.H1
2007 12519 12519.H1
Faunal, Finds 2006 12519 x1
Faunal, Finds 2006 12519 x6
Faunal, Finds 2006 12519 x6

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