Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

The uncovered burials in NE platform before cleaning.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

The uncovered burials before cleaning.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

The uncovered burials before cleaning.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

The uncovered burials before cleaning.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Daily sketch.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686, 20688 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625, 20686 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial, Fill Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686, 20625 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20688 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20688 7132 77 336

Daily sketch. Burial.

Burial Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 20688 7132 77 336

Burial. Scapula, left clavicle and thoracic vertebrae 1 or 2 can be seen in the pictre. The skeleton was removed last year.

Burial Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 20688 7132 77 336

Cut for burial F7132

Burial, Cut Burcu Tung 2013 30540 7132 77 336

Cut for burial F7132

Burial, Cut Burcu Tung 2013 30540 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

Disturbed Neolithic subadult burial in B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 19557 7132 77 336

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