Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Sk. 20824 of F. 7008, with phytolite item behind its lower back.

Phytoliths, Burial Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 20823, 20824, 20825 7008 96 370

Sk. 20824 of F. 7008, with phytolite item behind its lower back.

Phytoliths, Burial Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 20823, 20824, 20825 7008 96 370

Sk. 20824 of F. 7008, with phytolite item behind its lower back.

Phytoliths, Burial Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 20823, 20824, 20825 7008 96 370

Burials F. 7007 & F. 7008 & F. 7003 in the eastern platform of B. 96/Sp. 370, with the cut of a possible 3rd burial in between them, in which a phytolite mat was found, visible right below the scale.

Burial Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 7003, 7007, 7008 96 370

Burials F. 7007 & F. 7008 & F. 7003 in the eastern platform of B. 96/Sp. 370, with the cut of a possible 3rd burial in between them, in which a phytolite mat was found, visible right below the scale.

Burial Johanna Bergqvist 2013 East 7003, 7007, 7008 96 370

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