Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038, 5041 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038, 5041 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038, 5041 80 135

End of Season 2009 General.

wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038, 5041 80 135

End of Season 2009 General. Showing Oven.

fire installation, wall, Elevation Jason Quinlan 2009 5038, 5041 80 135

End of Season 2009 General. Showing Oven.

Oven, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2009 5041, 5038, 5037 80 135

End of Season 2009 General. Showing Oven.

Oven, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2009 5041, 5038, 5037 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, greyish make up layer U20065

Layer, Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20065 5038 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, sandy packing layer U20066

Layer, Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20066 5038 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, white plaster and make up layer

Layer, Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20063 5038 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, friable layer sitting underneath make up layer

Layer, Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20064 5038 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, Mortar U20062 between wall bricks U18911

Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20062 5038 80 135

Brick U18911, Wall Plaster U18920, sunken floor U20067

Floor, Brick, wall, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 18911, 18920, 20067 5038 80 135
Conservation Ian Channell 2015 5038 80
Conservation Ian Channell 2015 5038 80

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