Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Eroded neolithic brick and surface soil

Fill Burcu Tung 2012 20490 3689 1002

Eroded neolithic brick and surface soil

Fill Burcu Tung 2012 20490 3689 1002

Eroded neolithic brick and surface soil

Fill Burcu Tung 2012 20490 3689 1002

Burial Fill

Burial, Fill Ramazan Gunduz 2012 19572 3689 1002

Burial Fill

Burial, Fill Ramazan Gunduz 2012 19572 3689 1002

Layer covering skeleton

Layer Michael Ashley 2012 19585 3689 1002

Layer covering skeleton

Layer Michael Ashley 2012 19585 3689 1002

Layer covering skeleton

Layer Michael Ashley 2012 19585 3689 1002

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Bone Object and Metal in Late Burial Fill

Late/Byzantine, Burial Jason Quinlan 2012 19573, 19586 3689 x4, x5

Late adult burial (Roman?)

Burial, Cut Scott Haddow 2012 East 19587, 19583 3689 burial 113 96

Late adult burial (Roman?)

Burial, Cut Scott Haddow 2012 East 19587, 19583 3689 burial 113 96

Late adult burial (Roman?)

Burial, Cut Scott Haddow 2012 East 19587, 19583 3689 burial 113 96

Late adult burial (Roman?)

Burial, Cut Scott Haddow 2012 East 19587, 19583 3689 burial 113 96

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
