Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17370, 17371, 17372 3500 334


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17370, 17371, 17372 3500 334


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17370, 17371, 17372 3500 334


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17370, 17371, 17372 3500 334


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17370, 17371, 17372 3500 334


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17376 3500 344


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17376 3500 344


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17376 3500 344


fire installation Dan Eddisford 2009 East 17376 3500 344

Ash-rich fill of oven.

fire installation James Taylor 2009 17382 3500 344

Ash-rich fill of oven.

Oven, fire installation James Taylor 2009 17382 3500 344

Colapsed oven superstructure

fire installation James Taylor 2009 17387 3500 344

Colapsed oven superstructure

Oven, fire installation James Taylor 2009 17387 3500 344

Ash fill of oven.

fire installation James Taylor 2009 17371 3500 344

Ash fill of oven.

fire installation James Taylor 2009 17371 3500 344

Pit infill (u.19708)

Pit Weronika Stosik 2012 19708 3500 96 370

Pit infill (u. 19708) (F.3500)

Pit Weronika Stosik 2012 19708 3500 96 370

Pit cut (u.19709) in Northern part of space 370 (B.96). Probably it's cut of post retrieval pit.

Cut Weronika Stosik 2012 19709 3500 96 370

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
