Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record
Conservation Duygu Cleere 2004 3096
Conservation Duygu Cleere 2004 3096

Building 77 2011 Pre Excavation Photos

Buildings, wall 2011 3096 77 77

Building 77 2011 Pre Excavation Photos

Buildings, wall 2011 3096 77 77

South Wall Feature 3096. Note: the arrow on the board is written North, but it is pointing to south in the picture.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

South Wall Feature 3096. Note: the arrow on the board is written North, but it is pointing to south in the picture.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

South Wall Feature 3096. Note: the arrow on the board is written North, but it is pointing to south in the picture.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

South Wall Feature 3096. Note: the arrow on the board is written North, but it is pointing to south in the picture.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

Sofie and Renata removing the south wall F. 3096.

People - Working Susan Hyden 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

Sofie and Renata removing the south wall F. 3096.

People - Working Susan Hyden 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

Plaster remains in the sw corner, between the southern outer wall and the inner wall. The inner wall is seen to the right.

wall, Plaster Jacob Brady East 20644 3096 77 336

Working picture. Southern outer wall of building 77.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336, 337

South wall F.3096.

wall Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

South wall F.3096.

wall Renata Araujo 2013 East 20610, 20611, 20618 3096 77 336

Southern wall in building 77. A small amount of plaster was found in the corner between the outer- and inner wall.

Plaster Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 20644, 20610, 20611 3096 77 336

Southern wall in building 77. A small amount of plaster was found in the corner between the outer- and inner wall.

Plaster Renata Araujo 2013 East 20611, 20610, 20644 3096 77 336

The southern outer wall during excavation. The northern wall of building 108 is seen in the upper half.

wall Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 20611, 20610, 20644 3096 77 336

Plaster in the corner between the inner and outer wall (southern).

Daily Sketch Renata Araujo 2013 East 20644, 20610, 20611 3096 77 336

Southern wall after removal of wall,plaster and infill. Southern wall after removal of plaster, interwall infill, sample 3. The lower part of the wall is still in situ since the oven is not yet excavated.

wall Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 3096 77 336

Southern wall after removal of plaster, interwall infill, sample 3. The lower part of the wall is still in situ since the oven is not yet excavated.

wall Sofie Ekstrand 2013 East 3096 77 336

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Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
