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Wall F15 with horn 1156.X2 and 1143.X1
Mehmet working on horn 1156.X2?
Conserving paint on wall F.3
Red paint on wall F.3
Space 70, conserving 1143 X.1?
paint on wall F.3
Red paint on wal F.3
Red paint on wall F.3, also showing pit F.17 and platform F.13
Wall (F3)
Complete black pattern? on S end of the Wall F.3
British Institute at AnkaraStanford UniversityUniversité de BordeauxDuke UniversityUniversity of California Merced
University of YorkCardiff UniversitySelçuk UniversityEge University
Adam Mickiewicz UniversitySUNY BuffaloTurkish Cultural FoundationOxford University