Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

T5. Working shot of position of bones before profile cut back.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15304 2420 Burial

T5. Working shot of position of bones before profile cut back.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15304 2420 Burial

T5. Working shot of position of bones before profile cut back.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15304 2420 Burial

T5. Working shot of position of bones before profile cut back.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15304 2420 Burial

T5. Working shot of position of bones before profile cut back.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15304 2420 Burial

T5. Displaced left fibula before removal.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Displaced left fibula before removal.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Displaced vertebra before removal.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Displaced vertebra before removal.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Displaced vertebra before removal.

Working Shots, Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Skeleton

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 14298 2420 Burial

T5. Stratigraphic relationships. 15320 yellow mudbrick. 14286 mudbrick. 15309 mortar. 15317 grave cut. 15319 mudbrick lining. 15318 grave cut. 15317 backfill.

Naomi Christie 2007 15309, 15317, 15319, 15318, 15320, 14286 2420 Mudbrick Wall, Burial

T5. Stratigraphic relationships. 15320 yellow mudbrick. 14286 mudbrick. 15309 mortar. 15317 grave cut. 15319 mudbrick lining. 15318 grave cut. 15317 backfill.

Naomi Christie 2007 15320, 14286, 15309, 15317, 15319, 15318 2420 Mudbrick Wall, Burial

T5. Grave. U15317 cut. U15318 backfill behind mudbrick lining. U15319 mudbrick lining.

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15317, 15318, 15319, 15322, 15320 2420 Burial

T5. Grave. U15317 cut. U15318 backfill behind mudbrick lining. U15319 mudbrick lining.

Burial Naomi Christie 2007 15317, 15318, 15319, 15322 2420 Burial

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