Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2428, 2413

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2428, 2413

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2428, 2413

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2413, 2428

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2428, 2413

T5. Plaster and mudbrick.

General Naomi Christie 2007 2428, 2413
Walls, Buttress Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls, Buttress Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls, Buttress Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls, Buttress Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls, Buttress Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2425, 5050, 2413, 5055
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 5051, 2413, 2418
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 5051, 2413, 2418
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2413, 2418, 5051
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2413, 2418, 5051
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2413, 2418, 5051
Walls, Brick Peter Biehl 2008 17232 2413, 2418, 5051
Layer, Architectural, Brick, Buttress, Fill, Building Materials Laura Harrison, or Lori Hager 2010 2428, 5052, 5053, 5054, 2413, 5055 340

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