Image Catalogue

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Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Marl mortar

Architectural, Brick Serena Love 2008 East 16089 2221 Wall

Retaining courses added to north and east sides od Building 64 walls

Lisa Yeomans 2008 2221

Retaining courses added to north and east sides od Building 64 walls

Lisa Yeomans 2008 2221

Retaining courses added to north and east sides od Building 64 walls

Lisa Yeomans 2008 2221

Retaining courses added to north and east sides od Building 64 walls

Lisa Yeomans 2008 2221

Retaining courses added to north and east sides od Building 64 walls

Lisa Yeomans 2008 2221

Ealry phase of retaining bricks added to north and east sides of building 64

Lisa Yeomans 2008 16752, 16753 2221 Wall

Ealry phase of retaining bricks added to north and east sides of building 64

Lisa Yeomans 2008 16752, 16753 2221 Wall

Ealry phase of retaining bricks added to north and east sides of building 64

Lisa Yeomans 2008 16752, 16753 2221 Wall

Ealry phase of retaining bricks added to north and east sides of building 64

Lisa Yeomans 2008 16752, 16753 2221 Wall

Late phse of retaining wall F2221 bonded with plaster mortar

Architectural Lisa Yeomans 2008 16749, 16750 2221

Late phse of retaining wall F2221 bonded with plaster mortar

Architectural Lisa Yeomans 2008 16749, 16750 2221

Late phse of retaining wall F2221 bonded with plaster mortar

Architectural Lisa Yeomans 2008 16749, 16750 2221

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
