Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Area of truncated floors

Floor Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14423 1666 49 100

Area of truncated floors

Floor Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14423 1666 49 100

Area of truncated floors

Floor Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14423 1666 49 100

Area of truncated floors

Floor Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14423 1666 49 100

Area of truncated floors

Floor Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14423 1666 49 100

Platform 1666 in building 49

Buildings, Architectural, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2004 East 1666, 1497 49 100 100

Platform 1666 in building 49

Buildings, Architectural, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2004 East 1666, 1497 49 100 100

Platform 1666 in building 49

Buildings, Architectural, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2004 East 1666, 1497 49 100 100

Platform 1666 in building 49

Buildings, Architectural, fire installation Jason Quinlan 2004 East 1666, 1497 49 100 100

Platforms 1662 and 1666 in south area of building 49

Architectural Jason Quinlan 2003 East 1662, 1666 49 100 100

Platforms 1662 and 1666 in south area of building 49

Architectural Jason Quinlan 2003 East 1662, 1666 49 100 100

Platforms 1662 and 1666 in south area of building 49

Architectural Jason Quinlan 2003 East 1662, 1666 49 100 100

Platforms 1662 and 1666 in south area of building 49

Architectural Jason Quinlan 2003 East 1662, 1666 49 100 100

Micromorphology block through floors on platform 1666

Micromorphology Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14403 1666 Platform 49 100

Micromorphology block through floors on platform 1666

Micromorphology Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14403 1666 Platform 49 100

Micromorphology block through floors on platform 1666

Micromorphology Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14402 1666 Platform 49 100

Micromorphology block through floors on platform 1666

Micromorphology Dan Eddisford 2004 East 14402 1666 Platform 49 100

platform F1666 showing earlier hearth phase (14407) general view platform F1666

Architectural, fire installation Jody Deacon 2004 East 1666, 1665 49 100 100

platform F1666 showing earlier hearth phase (14407) general view platform F1666

Architectural, fire installation Jody Deacon 2004 East 1666, 1665 49 100 100

platform F1666 showing earlier hearth phase (14407) general view platform F1666

Architectural, fire installation Jody Deacon 2004 East 1666, 1665 49 100 100

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
