Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Infill of basin

Fill Dave Mackie 2006 East 16775 1487 52 290

Infill of basin

Fill Dave Mackie 2006 East 16775 1487 52 290

Infill of basin

Fill Dave Mackie 2006 East 16775 1487 52 290


Basin Dave Mackie 2006 East 1487 52, 49 290


Basin Dave Mackie 2006 East 1487 52, 49 290


Basin Dave Mackie 2006 East 1487 52, 49 290


Basin Dave Mackie 2006 East 1487 52, 49 290

Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion F1488, F4061, F1487

Basin Remi Hadad 22263, 22262, 22264 1488, 1487, 4061 52 290

Pre excavation photo of S290

Buildings Remi Hadad 4061, 1487, 2182, 2181, 1488 52 290

Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion F1488, F4061, F1487

Basin Remi Hadad 22263, 22262, 22264 1488, 1487, 4061 52 290

Pre excavation photo of S290

Buildings Remi Hadad 4061, 1487, 2182, 2181, 1488 52 290

Pre excavation photo of S290

Buildings Remi Hadad 4061, 1487, 2182, 2181, 1488 52 290

Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion F1488, F4061, F1487

Basin Remi Hadad 22263, 22262, 22264 1488, 1487, 4061 52 290

Pre excavation photo of S290

Buildings Remi Hadad 4061, 1487, 2182, 2181, 1488 52 290

Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion Remains of basins aboting recess after post exposure erosion F1488, F4061, F1487

Basin Remi Hadad 22263, 22262, 22264 1488, 1487, 4061 52 290

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
