Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Building 1 general view of platform 13

People - Working 1995 13 71

Bottom of (1100) showing top of platform F.13

Arch - Platform 1995 1100, 1363 13 71

Bottom of (1100) showing top of platform F.13

Arch - Platform 1995 1100, 1363 13 71

Platform F.13 and pit F.17

Arch - Platform 1995 13, 17 71

Bottom of 1100 showing top of platform F.3 surface 1363

Arch - Platform 1995 1100, 1363 13

platform F.13

Arch - Platform 1995 13 71

Bottom of 1100 showing top of platform F.3 surface 1363

Arch - Platform 1995 1100, 1363 13

Bottom of 1100 showing top of platform F.3 surface 1363

Arch - Platform 1995 1100, 1363 13

Red paint on wall F.3, also showing pit F.17 and platform F.13

People - Working 1995 2516 3, 17, 13 71

Red paint on wall F.3, also showing pit F.17 and platform F.13

People - Working 1995 2516 3, 17, 13 71

Surface 2513, platform F.13

Arch - Platform 1997 2513 13

Burial in F.13

Arch - Burials 1997 13 71

Burial in F.13

Arch - Burials 1997 13 71

Platform F.13 after cleaning following a rainstorm, showing plaster layers. Also burning on SE corner of platform.

Arch - Architectual 1997 13 71

Plaster on platform F.13

Arch - Platform 1997 2158 13

Surface 2513 in Platform after removal of make-up 2512

Arch - Layer 1997 2513 13 71

Platform F.13 after cleaning following a rainstorm, showing plaster layers. Also burning on SE corner of platform.

Arch - Architectual 1997 13 71

General view of the skeleton 2126 in burial 47

1997 13

Facing Eastern edge of platform

Arch - Architectual 1997 13

Platform F.13 after cleaning following a rainstorm, showing plaster layers. Also burning on SE corner of platform.

Arch - Architectual 1997 13 71

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
