Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Burial overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20683, 20686 3697 77 336

Burial overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20683, 20686 3697 77 336

Burial overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20683, 20686 3697 77 336

Daily sketch.

Burial, Daily Sketch Susan Hyden 2013 East 20683, 20686 3697 77 336

Recently found wooden artefact.

Burial, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Recently found wooden artefact.

Burial, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 20686 3697 77 336

Recently found wooden artefact.

Burial, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 20686 3697 77 336

Recently found wooden artefact.

Burial, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

The conservator excavates wooden artefact.

Conservation, People - Working Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 6051 336

Daily sketch.

People - Working, Daily Sketch Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

The conservator excavates wooden artefact.

People - Working Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Wooden artefact.

Finds, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Wooden artefact.

Finds, Wood Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Burial fill F3697

Burial, Cut, Daily Sketch Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Overview of burial after the removal of skeleton and wooden artefact.

Burial, Cut Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 336

Detail of unidentified orange material at the bottom of the burial.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686 3697 77 6051 336

isolated craium in NE platform of B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 20684, 20686, 20922 3697 77 77 336

isolated craium in NE platform of B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 20684, 20686, 20922 3697 77 77 336

isolated craium in NE platform of B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 20684, 20686, 20922 3697 77 77 336

isolated craium in NE platform of B77

Burial Scott Haddow 2013 East 20684, 20686, 20922 3697 77 77 336

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
