Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Section through U20206 with wall F7052

Section Arek Klimowicz 2012 20206 470, 492

Section through U20206 with wall F7052

Section Arek Klimowicz 2012 20206 470, 492

Section through U20206 with wall F7052

Section Arek Klimowicz 2012 20206 470, 492

Packing deposit U20206

Layer James Taylor 20206 470, 492

Packing deposit U20206

Layer James Taylor 20206 470, 492

Packing deposit U20206

Layer James Taylor 20206 470, 492

Packing deposit U20206

Layer James Taylor 20206 470, 492

Cow scapula, post-treatment photo of Bovine scapula. Post-treatment photo of reverse side.

Conservation, Faunal, Finds Jerrod Seifert 2014 20206 14.012

Cow scapula, post-treatment photo of Bovine scapula. Post-treatment photo of obverse side.

Conservation, Faunal, Finds Jerrod Seifert 2014 20206 14.012

Cow scapula, post-treatment photo of Bovine scapula. Pre-treatment photo.

Conservation, Faunal, Finds Jerrod Seifert 2014 20206 14.012

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
