Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Mike lifting a large grind stone from the center of space 336 in building 77

Working Shots, Finds Sema Bagci 2008 16492 X14

Ant excavating

Sema Bagci 2008 16492

Mike lifting a large grind stone from the center of space 336 in building 77

Working Shots, Finds Sema Bagci 2008 16492 x14

phytolith material below grind stone X14 in the center of space 336 building 77

Phytoliths Sema Bagci 2008 16492

phytolith material below grind stone X14 in the center of space 336 building 77

Working Shots, Phytoliths, Finds Sema Bagci 2008 16492

phytolith material below grind stone X14 in the center of space 336 building 77

Working Shots, Phytoliths, Finds Sema Bagci 2008 16492

Antler, Before Conservation

Kelly Caldwell 2009 16492 X6

Antler, Before Conservation

Kelly Caldwell 2009 16492 X4


Sanaz Mehran 2009 16492 X5 9.029

Deer Antler, After Conservation

Kelly Caldwell 2009 16492 X6 9.027

Deer Antler, After Conservation

Kelly Caldwell 2009 16492 X4 9.026

Scapula after coservation

Sanaz Mehran 2009 16492 X5 9.029

abrading slab

Ground Stone 1963 16492 x14

abrading slab

Ground Stone 1963 16492 x14

abrading slab

Ground Stone 1963 16492 x14

abrading slab

Ground Stone 1963 16492 x14

abrading slab

Ground Stone 1963 16492 x14

stone hand axe

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 16492 x7

stone hand axe

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 16492 x7

stone hand axe

Ground Stone, Axes 1963 16492 x7

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
