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Detail of fragmented burnt horn core
Detail of polished stone Axes, and bone point
Grind stone
fragmented animal bone, and an articulated sheep/goat tail
Fragmented animal bone and antler
Cluster of Animal bone, red deer antler, horn core, polished stone axes, grind stone, figurine and bone point.
Fragmented deer antler
Scapula on floor of building 77 space 336
Mike lifting a large grind stone from the center of space 336 in building 77
British Institute at AnkaraStanford UniversityUniversité de BordeauxDuke UniversityUniversity of California Merced
University of YorkCardiff UniversitySelçuk UniversityEge University
Adam Mickiewicz UniversitySUNY BuffaloTurkish Cultural FoundationOxford University