Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

13532 - floor; 13533 - platform; 15283 - infill; 15845 - infill/rubble; 15829 - hearth; 15846 - cluster of bricks; 15847 - infill; 15848 - pit infill

fire installation 2007 13238, 13532, 13533, 15829, 15845, 15846, 15847, 15848 Pit

13532 - floor; 13533 - platform; 15283 - infill; 15845 - infill/rubble; 15829 - hearth; 15846 - cluster of bricks; 15847 - infill; 15848 - pit infill

fire installation 2007 13238, 13532, 13533, 15829, 15845, 15846, 15847, 15848 Pit

13532 - floor; 13533 - platform; 15283 - infill; 15845 - infill/rubble; 15829 - hearth; 15846 - cluster of bricks; 15847 - infill; 15848 - pit infill

fire installation 2007 13238, 13532, 13533, 15829, 15845, 15846, 15847, 15848 Pit

13532 - floor; 13533 - platform; 15283 - infill; 15845 - infill/rubble; 15829 - hearth; 15846 - cluster of bricks; 15847 - infill; 15848 - pit infill

fire installation 2007 13238, 13532, 13533, 15829, 15845, 15846, 15847, 15848 Pit

15846 - cluster of bricks

2007 15846

15846 - cluster of bricks

2007 15846

15846 - cluster of bricks

2007 15846

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
