Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Animal Bone cluster in Unit 11379, Midden

Faunal Jason Quinlan 2005 11379, 11392, 11393 261

Animal Bone cluster in Unit 11379, Midden

Faunal Jason Quinlan 2005 11379, 11392, 11393 261

Animal Bone cluster in Unit 11379, Midden

Faunal Jason Quinlan 2005 11379, 11392, 11393 261

Close up of pelvis after conservation.

Emilie dingler 2013 East 11393 x10 13.006

Close up of unlabelled bone after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 Unlabelled 13.006

Pelvis after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x10 13.006

Unlabelled bone after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 Unlabelled 13.006

Close up of horncore fragment after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x3 13.006

Horncore fragment after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x3 13.006

Box of bones after conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x10, x19, x6, x3 13.006

Bags of bones before conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 11393 13.006

Close up of break to pelvis. Before conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x10 13.006

Pelvis before cosnervation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x10 13.006

Box of bones before conservation.

Emilie Dingler 2013 East 11393 x19, x10, x3, x6 13.006

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