Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Pete looking at the obsidian scraper

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth pulls out the obsidian

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth examines the obsidian from the cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth examines the obsidian from the cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth shows off the obsidian cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth shows off the obsidian cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth puts the obsidian into bags

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth examines the obsidian from the cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Gareth examines the obsidian from the cache

Elizabeth Lee 2004 11315 Burial 202

Bone tools beside burial

Elizabeth Lee 2004 East 11315 1515 Burial 42 202 x10, x11

Bone tools beside burial

Elizabeth Lee 2004 East 11315 1515 Burial 42 202 x10, x11

Bone tools beside burial

Elizabeth Lee 2004 East 11315 1515 Burial 42 202 x10, x11

Chipped Stone from U11315

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2008 11315 X6, X7, X8

Chipped Stone from U11315

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2008 11315 X6, X7, X8

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

Obsidian and Flint

Finds, Obsidian, Chipped Stone, Flint Jason Quinlan 2010 11315, 14808

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